Billy Strings, Michigan small town bluegrass musician that got scooped up by the hollywood circuit somewhere along the line, now has a 33 tattoo and darkness seems to be a recurring theme in his newer music. One of his music videos has a 33 on a submarine sort of thing as well..
I've been seeing quite a few 17s come out of Theo's mouth so I've been paying closer attention..
Billy was talking about being on the road in Michigan, then brought up this town in Michigan having a small population, then of course its fucking 666, like why wouldn't it be?
Oh… Thank you for clarifying. That is very interesting. That’s what they were trying to do that redheaded dude. I can’t remember his name, but recently got really popular. He didn’t bite. 👏👏👏
Theo's Valentines day episode included two 17s and a rant about Biden even... Theo says 17 WAY too much to not be floating around in our space.
He had Neil Degrasse Tyson on and was giving him shit about Tysons "oBjEcTiVe SiEnTiFiC tRutHs" and it was glorious.
Theo also hangs out with Rogan and that group @ UFC so you know hes a low key patriot.
No, the one that plays music. That redheaded guy with a beard.
Hey song goes something like this. 16 hours for crap ass pay it’s a hard life. I think I have the whole thing wrong. He’s like some kind of blues music.
I don’t get it. What actually happened. Explain it to me like I’m a kinder gardener.
Billy Strings, Michigan small town bluegrass musician that got scooped up by the hollywood circuit somewhere along the line, now has a 33 tattoo and darkness seems to be a recurring theme in his newer music. One of his music videos has a 33 on a submarine sort of thing as well..
I've been seeing quite a few 17s come out of Theo's mouth so I've been paying closer attention.. Billy was talking about being on the road in Michigan, then brought up this town in Michigan having a small population, then of course its fucking 666, like why wouldn't it be?
Oh… Thank you for clarifying. That is very interesting. That’s what they were trying to do that redheaded dude. I can’t remember his name, but recently got really popular. He didn’t bite. 👏👏👏
Theo's Valentines day episode included two 17s and a rant about Biden even... Theo says 17 WAY too much to not be floating around in our space. He had Neil Degrasse Tyson on and was giving him shit about Tysons "oBjEcTiVe SiEnTiFiC tRutHs" and it was glorious. Theo also hangs out with Rogan and that group @ UFC so you know hes a low key patriot.
Oh & I think, JP Sears, right?
No, the one that plays music. That redheaded guy with a beard.
Hey song goes something like this. 16 hours for crap ass pay it’s a hard life. I think I have the whole thing wrong. He’s like some kind of blues music.