Yesterday, Fani said she keeps stacks of cash in her house. She said her daddy said to keep 6 months of cash on hand at all times. The prosecutors are following the money on Fani "paying" Wade with funds from the County, and then Wade paying Fani for lavish trips and dinners. Ostensibly this would be with the taxpayer cash that Fani funnelled to Wade.
The point of bringing Fani Daddy on the stand was to vette this out, and Fani Daddy crashed and burned, admitting that he colluded with Fani and the lawyers about his testimony beforehand when he was expressly forbidden from doing so.
It's actually a pretty big scalp that the prosecutors got. Fani Daddy's credibility went right down the drain.
Yesterday, Fani said she keeps stacks of cash in her house. She said her daddy said to keep 6 months of cash on hand at all times. The prosecutors are following the money on Fani "paying" Wade with funds from the County, and then Wade paying Fani for lavish trips and dinners. Ostensibly this would be with the taxpayer cash that Fani funnelled to Wade.
The point of bringing Fani Daddy on the stand was to vette this out, and Fani Daddy crashed and burned, admitting that he colluded with Fani and the lawyers about his testimony beforehand when he was expressly forbidden from doing so.
It's actually a pretty big scalp that the prosecutors got. Fani Daddy's credibility went right down the drain.
Oops, missed that. Thanks for straightening me out!