You keep saying it, but that doesn't make it true...
You're like maskers saying that masks stop the virus even though the masks can't stop much larger particles....
You've been lied to. Masks do not stop covid. RO cannot stop the tiny fluoride molecule...
So clearly filtered has independent lab test results which filtered 90% of flouride in their 3 stage filter that I use. I would like to get a flouride tester like you just to see if mine is doing the same but I'll have to wait a bit or borrow one from my local water company if they'll allow it. Thanks a lot for your input and everything regarding RO. It's actually cheaper than what I paid so I may check it out after another year when I have to replace my filters
Unless you are using a distillation system, RO cannot remove tiny fluoride molecules. No matter what your company who sold you stuff, says. Your tester could be completely horse shit as well, you haven't even shown which one, for all I know you're reading TDS, and thinking you've eliminated fluoride....
Again, companies LIE. RO cannot remove fluoride because it is SMALLER than water. This is the mask argument all over again
Good RO systems remove fluoride. But if you are buying some POS cheap system like a $100-200 it probably isn't doing much with Chyna filters.
Mines from theperfectwater. $400-500 bucks for undersink. Home depot ones are usually cheap.
You keep saying it, but that doesn't make it true... You're like maskers saying that masks stop the virus even though the masks can't stop much larger particles....
You've been lied to. Masks do not stop covid. RO cannot stop the tiny fluoride molecule...
I tested it. Can you not read? Buy a fluoride tester.
You sound like a fed. Drink your tap water pleb.
So clearly filtered has independent lab test results which filtered 90% of flouride in their 3 stage filter that I use. I would like to get a flouride tester like you just to see if mine is doing the same but I'll have to wait a bit or borrow one from my local water company if they'll allow it. Thanks a lot for your input and everything regarding RO. It's actually cheaper than what I paid so I may check it out after another year when I have to replace my filters
Because RO cannot stop tiny fluoride molecules.
Unless you are using a distillation system, RO cannot remove tiny fluoride molecules. No matter what your company who sold you stuff, says. Your tester could be completely horse shit as well, you haven't even shown which one, for all I know you're reading TDS, and thinking you've eliminated fluoride....
Again, companies LIE. RO cannot remove fluoride because it is SMALLER than water. This is the mask argument all over again