Hi Frens, About nine years ago and three concussions ago ( just to give you some perspective on my memory) I watched a video on YouTube and I’m sure it has been scrubbed, but I imagine there’s a good chance it’s still somewhere on the Interwebs where it could still be seen. All I can remember about this video is that it was an older gentleman ( not David Icke) standing on a stage giving a lecture. He was extremely knowledgeable about the elites and talked about how they use medical treatments for themselves, such as increasing nitric oxide to give them longevity. He used George Bush and Kissinger as examples saying, “have you ever wondered why these people live to be so old?” For some reason I think he might have been a doctor that works with some of these elites so he knew stuff. And then he also talked about how they have to tell you what they’re going to do before they do it, and he gave examples of movies where they had dropped hints and what not. Sorry, that’s really all I have to give as clues but wondering if this jogs anybody else’s memory who might know the lecture I’m talking about. I would really really like to watch it again, but I have searched and searched and of course a lot of that kind of material has been removed from YouTube over the past few years. Thanks Pedes.
Stab in the dark…Trying to locate a video I saw around 2015 on YT about Illuminati
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
This guy uses a coercive or misleading method of getting people to believe what he is saying. Truth, truth, truth, truth, idea I want you to believe, truth, truth, truth, truth, idea I want you to believe.
At one point he is talking about the US being Rome, he uses some example of the eagle, says the eagle has 2 wings, one for each side see, right and left, thats what we have, the right and the left, we're Rome.
The idea us being the continuation of Rome is a legit possibility. This wonky way of saying 1+1 is 2 right? Red and blue makes green right? You stop at a stops sign right? Well guess what, their are aliens living in your nostrils. Your three truths dont make the 4 lie a truth as well.
He is convincing you he speaks the truth, then he throws oddball ideas out there and just feels manipulative. Parts might be on the money, but this type of coercive, suggestive, hypnotic way of presenting information throws up red flags with me.
Also the classic "If I told you some of the things I heard/saw, you would never believe it." Dude is talking about a global cabal running the world from the shadows, but doesn't want to disclose some information to the gathered crowd because it might in some way be too much... No, it's about power and placing himself as the presenter in a position of the holder of the pile of money of information and if he tosses you a few scraps, you should be grateful right? More group power manipulative speaking techniques.
He also gatekeeps potentially civilization saving knowledge behind a paywall. Pay him and you'll gain access to that special illumanati information on his website.