Occam's razor. The White hats are following the law and casting a large net to catch as many corrupt folks as possible.
This board would've been shutdown and censored long ago if the black hats were in control. Reddit, and the chans were infiltrated, but somehow we survive to spread the truth and our collective research?
I'm a natural skeptic, so I don't completely believe 13 soldiers were killed during the "botched" Afghanistan withdrawal (look at the C-17 closely that had all the people running next to it). Lots of what we are seeing is theater to wake up the normies. oBiden is clearly an actor and doesn't look like 2016 Biden.
Also, why would the Black hats expose so many deep state secrets?
Clearly there is a battle going on so there will be a lot of back-and-forth attacks and real loss of life given this 5th generation warfare.
You're right, there are lots of assumptions, but trust in God and pray. 🙏
Occam's razor. The White hats are following the law and casting a large net to catch as many corrupt folks as possible.
This board would've been shutdown and censored long ago if the black hats were in control. Reddit, and the chans were infiltrated, but somehow we survive to spread the truth and our collective research?
I'm a natural skeptic, so I don't completely believe 13 soldiers were killed during the "botched" Afghanistan withdrawal (look at the C-17 closely that had all the people running next to it). Lots of what we are seeing is theater to wake up the normies. oBiden is clearly an actor and doesn't look like 2016 Biden.
Also, why would the Black hats expose so many deep state secrets?
Clearly there is a battle going on so there will be a lot of back-and-forth attacks and real loss of life given this 5th generation warfare.
You're right, there are lots of assumptions, but trust in God and pray. 🙏