I want justice and vengeance on what was done to this country, to my vote and voice being taken away and then being silenced that it happened, forced by loss of employment to take an experimental injection that has fucked my health, to the loss of income through exorbitant price gouging, to taxation without representation ( my taxes going either into politicians pockets, special interest groups that are NOT what I want or over to be laundered in another fake proxy war started by our own CIA), to being treated like a terrorist because I believe in our constitution while watching illegal aliens treated to free care and free housing, and for the needless loss of veteran life shed to defend a nation that so easily spits on our beliefs. I WANT VENGEANCE.
I want justice and vengeance on what was done to this country, to my vote and voice being taken away and then being silenced that it happened, forced by loss of employment to take an experimental injection that has fucked my health, to the loss of income through exorbitant price gouging, to taxation without representation ( my taxes going either into politicians pockets, special interest groups that are NOT what I want or over to be laundered in another fake proxy war started by our own CIA), to being treated like a terrorist because I believe in our constitution while watching illegal aliens treated to free care and free housing, and for the needless loss of veteran life shed to defend a nation that so easily spits on our beliefs. I WANT VENGEANCE.
Here’s a broad overview on how we are being stolen from thru taxes, chain of command and who our overlords are.
Don’t have enough “handshake” points to have this showing up on the board. Feel free to copy and/or do anything with it if you repost 🐸🐸🐸
Thank you brother. I too am low on “handshake” points. lol
I’m salty too!!!