Having been to European small towns that are very much laid out the same way, where things can be walked and it’s possible to walk the entire distance of the town to get to anything you need on foot, can confirm the niceness of not having to go everywhere by car.
It has to be organic though, as you noted. Best approach would be to trash zoning laws.
“In order to run a business, you must own not one, but TWO or THREE properties.”
Figure out a way to keep industrial waste under control with damages to impacted neighbors under this method, of course.
Having been to European small towns that are very much laid out the same way, where things can be walked and it’s possible to walk the entire distance of the town to get to anything you need on foot, can confirm the niceness of not having to go everywhere by car.
It has to be organic though, as you noted. Best approach would be to trash zoning laws.
“In order to run a business, you must own not one, but TWO or THREE properties.”
Figure out a way to keep industrial waste under control with damages to impacted neighbors under this method, of course.