That would be absolutely hysterical. Is it impossible? The Democrats are at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to choices, and even Fake News is now going after Biden.
Absolute Meme Heaven.
That would be absolutely hysterical. Is it impossible? The Democrats are at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to choices, and even Fake News is now going after Biden.
Absolute Meme Heaven.
Sure as hell she’s thinking about it.
I thought candles was Valeri Jarrett.
So many ankles and candles I can’t keep up! Is there an OnlyFans for that? Asking for a fren😂
LOL. Almost as hard as keeping up with the doubles.
Momentary lapse in memory. Who is cankles again? Hilldawg?
That's her. Queen of evil.
Was by God's intervention, when He threw His Wrench, into Satan's plan to have his evil minion, become president. God is Merciful and continue to "pray without ceasing".
MSM openly talking about the prospect of replacing the biden puppet.
I thought they are putting Cankles out there to get a feel if the Dems would back her. I think they would back anything but Joe and Heels up.
Democrats assert matter-of-factly that the USA is too sexist to elect a woman POTUS even as they insist on nominating female candidates who, according to their own beliefs, are categorically unable to get elected.
Even taking her panties off and turning them inside out will not freshen her appeal as a candidate. She has an evil stepmother persona which is off-putting.
A comment was deleted. Cankles, was that you?
Q post that contains Sneak, (from the trump sneaker sale):
My guess we will see a repeat of 2020 where covid variant is pushed, mail in voting allowed, and the switch out won't happen until after the "dem primaries " that way delegates could choose and not the democratic citizens. Kamala as VP for double woman ticket.
Additionally if its a double woman ticket id expect that there will be a another "grab em by the pussy" moment for other male politicians to feed the "muh sexism" narrative and manipulate folks into the double woman ticket.