With this the SC has entered the corrupt/insane world of liberalism. IT SAYS on every box of masks (3-M N-95) Warning, this mask will NOT stop a virus, END argument. Are they really that stupid?
It appears so. This issue is so much bigger than just putting a mask on. Being forced to hinder your breathing on a false pretense and when you try a defense yourself you're fined!! This is horsesh*t.
I figure that if congress can't force justices to get their "ethical audits," that they were pushing awhile back, and if congress can't police them in other ways, then SCOTUS wouldn't police the house rules either, as the constitution says clearly that the house sets up its own rules.
With this the SC has entered the corrupt/insane world of liberalism. IT SAYS on every box of masks (3-M N-95) Warning, this mask will NOT stop a virus, END argument. Are they really that stupid?
It appears so. This issue is so much bigger than just putting a mask on. Being forced to hinder your breathing on a false pretense and when you try a defense yourself you're fined!! This is horsesh*t.
Hmm, Rino house members with intentionally poor arguments?
Well one was MTG.
Oh let the lefties wear the masks if they want. Fraudchi proved masks contribute to bacterial pneumonia.
Just dont pay the fines.
Yup. That's what I say. Let the freaking Dems make a big stink and let the American people see it all.
Separation of powers?
I figure that if congress can't force justices to get their "ethical audits," that they were pushing awhile back, and if congress can't police them in other ways, then SCOTUS wouldn't police the house rules either, as the constitution says clearly that the house sets up its own rules.
Excellent point. Wonder why the 3 GOP went this route?