Patriot11Retiree 2 points ago +2 / -0

And yet Snowden has yet to turn against the CIA, blaming the NSA in its stead.

Patriot11Retiree 5 points ago +5 / -0

they are a very large piece of western culture

Yes, another leader of western culture who have sold out the peoples of their land. Good riddance.

Patriot11Retiree 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes, I placed Najadi, Johnson, and Herold in the same category as Halper-Hayes, along with several others.

the Law of War Manual (dug into and investigated by MagicEyes) and Devolution Theory (dug into and investigated by Jon Herold, aka Patel Patriot).

MagicEyes brought the Law of War manual and Devolution to our attention using the Q drops. Herold simply repeated what MagicEyes posted but removed the references to Q drops.

Patriot11Retiree 3 points ago +3 / -0

The mercator map is not "wrong." This bs has been passed around on the internet for several years. The mercator map is for navigation (compass direction, latitude & longitude) on the high seas. Different kind of maps have different purposes.

Patriot11Retiree 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're welcome. This handoff of information is much better than banning the topic altogether. Many on this board are not just providing information, but also looking for information, albeit sometimes clumsily. As stated earlier we have many lightning storms throughout the USA, so this explanation will be proven or disproven with the passage of time.

Patriot11Retiree 9 points ago +13 / -4

There are many gatekeepers on GAW.

Patriot11Retiree 9 points ago +9 / -0

Biden didn't mention anything about color. Biden said, "the right roof."

Patriot11Retiree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just a couple hours earlier I read a blurb about Nat Rothschild, son of Jacob, having ownership of coal mines around the world. Wonder if this plays into this.

  • Nathaniel has been dubbed by The New York Times as the man who 'may become the richest Rothschild'. Aged just 52, Nathaniel 'Nat' Rothschild is heir apparent to the title Baron Rothschild, which was held by his father, Jacob.

  • An alumnus of Eton College and Oxford University, Nathaniel has built upon his family's experience and amassed a wide range of business interests, having worked for hedge funds and invested heavily in coal mining across the world.

MSM source

Patriot11Retiree 3 points ago +3 / -0

catsfive's explanation would have more credibility if the color was also scientifically explained. Why green? The continental USA has some major lightning storms. Have there been any more sightings in areas with cameras?

Patriot11Retiree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Biden did not mention blue roofing. Biden mentioned "the right roof." Yes, he could have meant blue roofing or he could have meant a metal or tin roof. To my knowledge, an eye-witness has not yet reported on the type of roofs on buildings that were untouched.

Patriot11Retiree 1 point ago +1 / -0

1- Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014 when Democrat Barack Obama was in power.

2- Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022 when Democrat Joe Biden was in power.

Nice list, but the first two, shown above, confirms he, too, has been indoctrinated in the anti-Putin/Russia propaganda.

Patriot11Retiree 0 points ago +1 / -1

Now we have middle-aged Rothschilds at the helm for the next several decades.

Patriot11Retiree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agree, from the very start Meg and her maggots told one lie after another against W&C claiming Meg and the spare were better fit to rule. For whatever reason the globalists/weffers want Meg and the spare to replace W&C.

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