It might be time to build segregated private Cities. You can only enter after applying. In the Olden Days you had to prove you were worthy of entering a City. They had gates all around and guards at the front gates checking people. Now Politicians flood the Cities with undesirables On purpose.
It's a for profit incorporated City. Each inhabitant is a shareholder and intricate part of the success of the growing City. The sooner the idea becomes common, the sooner the working class will see how they are being robbed with paying for the welfare class. The private city could even include a section for family members who are down on their luck and need some time to regather their spirit and resources before returning to the productive Working world.
We need to make it so the citizens decide whether they believe there were the victim of a crime or not and whether they want to press charges or not. I’m fairly certain it used to be this way but they used the excuse that because too many battered women refused to bring charges against their husbands they handed this authority over to the district attorney. A DA shouldn’t have a choice in whether he prosecutes someone or not. You make a claim, bring in a grand jury to see if it has merit, if they say it does, then the DA should be forced to prosecute, end of story. By changing this process, it gave Soros and others a way to buy the system and make sure their criminal buddies always walked free. Enough of this.
Minorities, fags and leftists are above the law. Haven't you heard?
It might be time to build segregated private Cities. You can only enter after applying. In the Olden Days you had to prove you were worthy of entering a City. They had gates all around and guards at the front gates checking people. Now Politicians flood the Cities with undesirables On purpose.
I love that idea but the demonization would be next level. Politicians want all of us in a third world shitholes while they rule from their castles..
It's a for profit incorporated City. Each inhabitant is a shareholder and intricate part of the success of the growing City. The sooner the idea becomes common, the sooner the working class will see how they are being robbed with paying for the welfare class. The private city could even include a section for family members who are down on their luck and need some time to regather their spirit and resources before returning to the productive Working world.
Go get 'em Riley.
We need hundreds of thousands like you.
Can't she still sue them in civil court?
We need to make it so the citizens decide whether they believe there were the victim of a crime or not and whether they want to press charges or not. I’m fairly certain it used to be this way but they used the excuse that because too many battered women refused to bring charges against their husbands they handed this authority over to the district attorney. A DA shouldn’t have a choice in whether he prosecutes someone or not. You make a claim, bring in a grand jury to see if it has merit, if they say it does, then the DA should be forced to prosecute, end of story. By changing this process, it gave Soros and others a way to buy the system and make sure their criminal buddies always walked free. Enough of this.