Yes, WTC was not exactly steel framed. Elevator shaft core with a sort of tent pole construction of the outside of the building. You only need to blow up the core of the building. The white puffs of smoke with booms going off was probably 'airplane fuel collecting and blowing up as it pooled' ;) Or you know blasting charges.
Yes, WTC was not exactly steel framed. Elevator shaft core with a sort of tent pole construction of the outside of the building. You only need to blow up the core of the building. The white puffs of smoke with booms going off was probably 'airplane fuel collecting and blowing up as it pooled' ;) Or you know blasting charges.
Yeah, that and thermite.
My house had a thermite problem once. I called Pest Control. They bombed the place.
Maybe that's what happened. The whole 9/11 thing was just some guys planting some thermite bombs. Or bombs for the thermites.
For some reason I'm not sure if those two sentences are saying the same thing, so take your pick.
Those steel beams were cut by the wings of the airplane. ;)