I told hubby tonight that I am at the point of not caring about anything I read or hear anymore because I can no longer believe a damn word. And I have experienced more fatigue over the last few weeks than ever before.
When one reaches this point - they are very near to giving up. I truly do not want to reach that point, but when I read tonight (not sure it's true) that 7,298,000 illegals have now invaded our Country one has to ask, can even DJT fix it?
So, as I usually do, I tried to research how I felt and found this article.
I am sharing it with all of you. It's called - "Why We’re More Exhausted Than Ever"
I find that the less day-to-day news I believe, the more I fall back on my basic beliefs. Real simple stuff, like
— God is good and I am not.
— The sun will come out tomorrow. (You can bet your bottom dollar on it.)
— Good food tastes even better in the company of people you love.
As much as I appreciate the ability of friends on this site to gather and remember huge amounts of information, I reckon my ancestors all made it without knowing the intricacies of what was going on halfway around the world. I take some comfort in that.
(And if this isn’t helpful, I’m young and dumb and you can ignore everything I say.)