Not a gatekeeper. Just been around the block long enough to know when I see concern trolls who haven't been keeping their eye on the ball or have any knowledge of the greater picture. Non-destructive penetrative testing in preparation to take down enough grid/infrastructure to postpone the election under the guise of "compromised voting systems". Maybe you should start with reading the Q posts for today's date to get a clue.
Test run of what? offgridguy's point my cell service has been fine today. Lots of networks today
Oh, a handshake account. That explains it. Test run of blackout to stop the election.
Not a gatekeeper. Just been around the block long enough to know when I see concern trolls who haven't been keeping their eye on the ball or have any knowledge of the greater picture. Non-destructive penetrative testing in preparation to take down enough grid/infrastructure to postpone the election under the guise of "compromised voting systems". Maybe you should start with reading the Q posts for today's date to get a clue.
If you say so
No problems reported in my area
You on AT&T?
Any other carriers out?
T mobile