and Trump still has more than 30 days because the judge has not officially entered the judgement.
EDIT 30 DAYS from TODAY Judge has denied a stay in an email to Trump's lawyer and enter the judgement to the county clerk in the system.
So I think that means Monday, March 25th and I suspect Trump won't file anything before that date.
Trump has vowed to appeal and the deadline will be 30 days from when Engoron formally enters the judgment, which hadn't happened by Wednesday.
Appeals court can set bond amount.
To avoid paying the judgment while the appeal is argued, Trump will have to ask the appeals court to pause Engoron's order. Typically, the appeals court would require a bond to assure Trump would pay if he loses. But the appeals court could ask for a bond that is a fraction of the judgment because of the lack of traditional victims in the fraud case.
....without a traditional victim in the fraud case, the appeals court has broad discretion to set a bond at perhaps a fraction of the total judgment.
If Trump asks to post less than the full judgment, Zauderer said a five-judge panel will consider the request. The panel will collect written arguments, giving Trump and attorney general's office each several days to file, and then typically reach a decision in about three weeks. The panel could set bond anywhere from zero to the full judgment.
“The court would have discretion," Zauderer said. “That would then stop enforcement while the appeal was pending.”
God bless America and the Founding Fathers!