posted ago by BigMikesSaggyBaggins ago by BigMikesSaggyBaggins +189 / -3

I have thought about this for some time now, but with recent experiences that I've had, it has me compelled to tell my story in hopes that it will touch another soul who needs to hear it prior to us hitting the Precipice moment. I will try to keep it as short as possible, but I still want to get the point across.

Without going through my entire life on here, I will say that my life of 40 years has been such a wild and crazy ride. A true life experience of both good and evil in such a short time frame.

I cannot say that I had a severely bad childhood growing up, knowing many others in this world have suffered way worse, but it was not all rainbows and unicorns either.

I lost my father at a very young age, raised non-religious, and grew up in a home that was nothing more than work being your life and then drinking your sorrows away right after. The many many fights and arguments I had to hear for over a decade always were a weekly thing. There were small glimpses of good, but nothing was stable whatsoever. There are other things, but it's not important to go into.

Once I got on my own right after High School, I was your typical "blind sheep" who did whatever they pleased... no cares in the world as long as whatever I did made me happy. Through all of my 20s, it was nothing but partying and drug use...chasing that "feels good" vibe that many young adults seek daily. The manipulations of others to get what I wanted, no cares in the world if my actions hurt someone...I was going down a really dark path, unknowingly, or I just didn't care.

I never physically hurt anybody, outside of your alcohol induced "machoism" bar fights. I now know and understand that there are people that I emotionally/mentally hurt, even though I did not give a single second to even reflect on it.

To keep it short, lets fast forward to my awakening process that started 8 years ago. The "real world" that the DS controlled completely. This portion will be very brief as it leads to my most recent experiences, the topic that I truly wanted to discuss.

Over the span of the last 8 years, I now have a much better understanding to the world we live in currently. All the rabbit holes, all the REAL information that I've seen, made me ANGRY for years. I did not understand why evil was allowed to run around so rampant, so freely. I know many anons here have had similar experiences. For the last couple of years, I made the decision to give God and Jesus a chance. This was the best decision I've ever made in my life!

The main point/topic of the post now, thank you for bearing with me.

For the last two years, I have been going down my own path in finding our Heavenly Father and his Son. I have prayed and talked to both of them in the past with little to show for it...but, something amazing has now happened to me over the span of the last few days! I was starting to have thoughts that maybe I'm too far gone, and they both have given up on me. No words, nothing good happening to me. One day, I just had enough of everything and broke down. I poured out my heart to God and Jesus, telling them that I understand if my path doesn't lead me to the Light. Still nothing.

One day, bored at home, I came across a video that was talking about a person's NDE. This is Near Death Experience if you did not know that already.

This single video led me in watching many more, for hours... then something happened to me.

I was getting pulled deeper into each story and I was beginning to visualize what each person was saying for each of their experiences. The more I got pulled into each story, I began to feel a huge rush of energy throughout my body. The best way that I can describe this feeling is "butterflies in your stomach" but throughout my entire body. The feeling of pure joy, love, and happiness was coursing through my veins. Something that I haven't felt, well maybe ever in my life. I continued watching NDEs for the rest of the week, leading to today.

I woke up today and noticed that ALL of my stress, worries, and fears are now gone. I also noticed that I am now seeing the world much more differently. The best way to describe this is I now feel like I'm a spectator, just observing what is going on around me. No more road rage, no more anger, just soaking in the beauty that I can see.


I can go on and on with just the last few days alone, but to keep this short, I urge anyone who is still sitting on the fence about God and his Son, try watching/listening to a few NDE videos and see if it makes any type of impact on you. As of now, I know 100% in my heart that He and his Son are REAL and are waiting on us to make our journey back home. I now greatly look forward to the day that I get to meet our maker, and enjoy a life outside of the Human Realm that is full of love and happiness.

I love you all, and I hope you all have a life journey that leads you to Him.