Blockbuster Bill Would Eliminate Most Wyoming Property Tax, Hike Sales Tax 2%
Rep. Steve Harshman's blockbuster tax reform proposal that would eliminate most property tax in Wyoming in return for hiking the sales tax by 2% passed the House Revenue Committee on Tuesday. “Our people need this and want this,” he said.
Most types of tax are theft. However, I would agree that property tax is actually the worst type of tax. It's a form of enslavement. It prevents people from buying a plot of land and living on it removed from society (and other taxes). Anyone who tries to do that still has to get a job from time to time to cover the property tax which has to be paid in US dollars. It also hits seniors and retirees hard. Want to retire on a plot of land you've work your whole life to payoff and maintain? If you're not rich enough to keep covering the constantly increasing property tax (and who is these days with the Xiden economy), you can't.
Exactly. We've all heard horror stories of people losing their homes/land when taxes are sky high and the people can't afford them anymore.