posted ago by acQuired_Intel ago by acQuired_Intel +25 / -0

The apocalypse refers to the final battle of good vs evil. Frens, we are in that battle now.

A couple days ago I decided to read the news feed from the MS browser.

The browser hosts articles from CNN and other such news outlets of their ilk.

I clicked on one headline that claimed the Georgia supreme court had ruled in favor of Fanni. This was hours after the 2nd day of the hearing had ended.

I checked here first then scrubbed the search engines and found no report anywhere of a ruling by the courts suggesting Fanni won a verdict.

It is obvious they made up the story to pass along fake news. Not that long ago I would have been screaming, "Those democrat libtards lied through their teeth." but I now realize conservative vs liberal is just a well-orchestrated division of the people who actually care about the future of society.

I'm not saying there aren't green haired libtard facist Eco-nazis who can't be reasoned with.

I am saying the fight between good and evil is real and if you can convince one soul to come back to reason then do it again.