No one here is obligated to explain anything to your childish ass. If you aren't mature or intelligent enough to figure things out on your own you're the loser in more ways than one. I've lost nothing, dip shit. But I have gained the knowledge to know to block you. My time and this site are much too valuable to be arguing with a spoiled child on the internet.
Scotty Mar10 is all I need to know !
Your loss, hot rod.
Probably not, because not a single faggot here can even list a single positive reason why I should even waste my time clicking that bullshit link.
You lose, hot shit...
No one here is obligated to explain anything to your childish ass. If you aren't mature or intelligent enough to figure things out on your own you're the loser in more ways than one. I've lost nothing, dip shit. But I have gained the knowledge to know to block you. My time and this site are much too valuable to be arguing with a spoiled child on the internet.