One of the subjects that was conspicuously absent from my education, and I suspect most curricula, was anything to do with finance. I think that may well be part of the plan.
National Debt has always puzzled me. Who did we borrow all that money off? Who had that amount of cash lying around that they could lend? What difference would it make to Joe Public if that debt were just written off and cancelled?
Central Banks had a great idea. They would give you money then charge interest. So, imagine if there were only $1,000,000 in the entire world. They lend you that $million and then charge interest. Say it is only at 1% interest. After a year you will owe them $1,010,000. Where are you going to find that extra $10,000? It doesn't exist. You can never pay back the whole debt and now you are trapped. You can never pay back what you owe so the banks just keep accumulating interest for ever.
One of the subjects that was conspicuously absent from my education, and I suspect most curricula, was anything to do with finance. I think that may well be part of the plan.
National Debt has always puzzled me. Who did we borrow all that money off? Who had that amount of cash lying around that they could lend? What difference would it make to Joe Public if that debt were just written off and cancelled?
Central Banks had a great idea. They would give you money then charge interest. So, imagine if there were only $1,000,000 in the entire world. They lend you that $million and then charge interest. Say it is only at 1% interest. After a year you will owe them $1,010,000. Where are you going to find that extra $10,000? It doesn't exist. You can never pay back the whole debt and now you are trapped. You can never pay back what you owe so the banks just keep accumulating interest for ever.