286 Well that Anon called it. FLYROTHSFLY (media.greatawakening.win) - WHO’S NEXT? 🍿 SALT - posted 360 days ago by DRan 360 days ago by DRan +286 / -0 43 comments download share 43 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I got listed when I bought 4 copies of Loose Change 6 months after 911 and sent them to my Congresswoman, my senator, Hillary Clinton, and Eliot Spitzer. Didn't hear a peep back from any of them.
What is this loose change book about?
it's a movie, and it was THE movie blowing the lid off the conspiracy of 9/11 at the time.
I think we need to have some classics posted on this board to teach people who may have missed some things.
Couldn't agree more. Would love to see it!
Also thank you and God bless
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDPiYz_x_Zw Enjoy