We need to gain full command and control of our borders and shores. We need an even more robust wall than President Trump was building previously, and we need to bring our military back from overseas and start a rotation of troops to secure our borders, along with the Border Patrol.
If you station Infantry, Armor, and Military Police along the Northern and Southern borders, the vast majority of illegals will be detected. We can also take care of any tunnels that need to be attended to by our border security forces.
The Coast Guard can be re-tasked with patrolling closer in to the shore to catch those foolish enough to try it by sea. The navy can handle vessels further out, and take care of submersibles, as well.
We need to gain full command and control of our borders and shores. We need an even more robust wall than President Trump was building previously, and we need to bring our military back from overseas and start a rotation of troops to secure our borders, along with the Border Patrol.
If you station Infantry, Armor, and Military Police along the Northern and Southern borders, the vast majority of illegals will be detected. We can also take care of any tunnels that need to be attended to by our border security forces.
The Coast Guard can be re-tasked with patrolling closer in to the shore to catch those foolish enough to try it by sea. The navy can handle vessels further out, and take care of submersibles, as well.