My hairdresser just told me a good friend of hers husband works for the police department of Port Authority. Greyhound buses have been pulling in in large amounts with illegal aliens. They are hiding them in hotels and small houses. They are trying to keep them hidden and they aren't coming out that often during the day. The crime spree has tripled in the city with all kind of muggings, theft and people getting hurt and it is becoming dangerous.
She said they are not families they are alll young males.
Did anyone else hear this?
There is a standing army in every major city just waiting to be let loose. We've seen this play out overseas, the US is the final blow. When it's handy, trust in knowing those illegals will be set out on the street, every single smiling face that handed them their golden ticket, Visa cards, and cell phones will disappear and overnight millions of vagrants, millions of military aged thugs will be let loose to fend for themselves.
If you think the loads of bricks during the Antifa riots were over the top, wait until these illegals are heavily armed and roaming the streets. Why people cannot see what is happening here..... Why people continue to look the other way...... The NGOs paying the bills are not doing it for charity, they will destroy the United States in one fail swoop. How do you know when it's getting close to go time? How about watch the billionaire class cash in their stocks all at once, that'll be a good signal.
Food shortages, fuel shortages, Internet outages, sickness, supply chain imploding. It's all coming folks..... Best be prepared, Not sure exactly how but yeah, good luck!!!!
Scary times we are living in.
I almost feel sorry for the D voters in NYC......oh well. Lessons can be hard earned.
Ask someone who volunteers with a homeless outreach what the homeless know. Those are the people who will know what's going on.
why not they need to stuff them someplace........compliments of WE THE PEOPLE
Thus s*** needs to stop.
I know Pittsburgh is spelled incorrectly. You can't edit posts.
Mods can you figure out how we can correct posts?