Mitch McConnel says today that he's going to step down as Senate Republican leader in November literally 17 days after his sister in law dies. Just a coincidence, I'm sure...
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I think Mitch knows what's up & where he's going. I think this is the reasons for his freezes. Notice one of the times he froze up was just after they asked him about his plans for the next election. He laughed a little, as if to say, he ain't gonna make it that far, then he froze in fear. He knows. He's dragging it out as long as he can only because Congress is much nice that gitmo/ waterboards
It's so precious that he thinks just not talking is a way out....also that he believes"stepping down" might make all the questions go away
I'd bet the thought process is more likely: " If I step down before the SHtF when it does I can sneak away in the confusion
Like I said, I think he knows he has no out.
Like Paul Ryan 49 year old Speaker retires..............Both just coincidences....rrrrright