While McConnell will be stepping down as the GOP leader, he plans to serve out his Senate term. It concludes in January 2027>
Really? I can't see him making it to 2027, can you?> >
While McConnell will be stepping down as the GOP leader, he plans to serve out his Senate term. It concludes in January 2027>
Really? I can't see him making it to 2027, can you?> >
I really wonder what the heck is going on there, between the (triggered?) freezes and the mysterious SIL death, are the BH trying to get him to do something, or to leave? What are the WH doing? He's being squeezed in multiple directions, that's clear. No sympathy from me, though.
Pretty sure he's having TIA's. Any "normal" person would step down. But noooooo...