A contestant on the show Survivor is named Q. He is one of 17 siblings and he's in Real Estate. It's the 46th season. There are no coincidences.
💊 Red Pill, Comms, & Q 😎
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Also, it's prerecorded, so your watching a movie
you are = you're. It's a contraction. "YOUR" means something belonging to you. Get it right or look uneducated. By me. Spelling does say something about the speller. The worst one is using "to", a preposition, to stand in for "too". This drives me crazy when I see it. But, I guess spelling is no longer taught in schools, right?
Glad to see you ARE so pedantic that you must criticize the written message than the message itself. I find autocorrect CONSTANTLY changing my messages to incorrect punctuation / grammar and that reason alone has made me overlook most if not all "slightly" misworded comments.
It drives me nuts too, atleast they're not tYpInG LyK DiS
One word: typos.
And please don’t say folks should carefully review and make sure to edit for each and every error before posting. This is just a casual Internet forum. Chill.
Enjoy the show!