Unfortunately, yes. I was not in favor of that at all. So, I had to see what the genesis of his action meant. I found this:
"[Mast] served in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. On September 19, 2010, while clearing a path for United States Army Rangers in Kandahar, Mast stepped on an IED along the road. The explosion resulted in the amputation of both his legs and losing his left index finger."
"I enlisted in the United States Army—and nearly gave my life for our country—because I believe deeply in the values on which the United States was founded. Following my service, I chose to volunteer alongside the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) because our countries share these common ideals of freedom, democracy and mutual respect for all people."
"During my time in Israel, I served alongside soldiers driven by love for their fellow man, rather than by hatred for their enemies. I had the honor of getting to know some of the most creative and caring people I’ve ever met—who adapted to the worst of situations and have been forced to overcome challenges that many couldn’t even imagine. Every family that I encountered during my time in Israel shared a desire for their children to grow and be educated safely without the looming threat of war. I learned at the Shabbat tables of my hosts just how much each family truly desires peace between every neighbor of Israel, regardless of religion or history."
"We cannot let Israel face its enemies alone. While the Obama Administration devalued America’s standing in the Middle East and held our Israeli friends at arm’s length, I worked to strengthen the relationship between our two countries, as both a private citizen and as a soldier, because the national security of the United States is directly tied to the strength of Israel."
Unfortunately, yes. I was not in favor of that at all. So, I had to see what the genesis of his action meant. I found this:
"[Mast] served in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. On September 19, 2010, while clearing a path for United States Army Rangers in Kandahar, Mast stepped on an IED along the road. The explosion resulted in the amputation of both his legs and losing his left index finger."
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Mast
"I enlisted in the United States Army—and nearly gave my life for our country—because I believe deeply in the values on which the United States was founded. Following my service, I chose to volunteer alongside the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) because our countries share these common ideals of freedom, democracy and mutual respect for all people."
"During my time in Israel, I served alongside soldiers driven by love for their fellow man, rather than by hatred for their enemies. I had the honor of getting to know some of the most creative and caring people I’ve ever met—who adapted to the worst of situations and have been forced to overcome challenges that many couldn’t even imagine. Every family that I encountered during my time in Israel shared a desire for their children to grow and be educated safely without the looming threat of war. I learned at the Shabbat tables of my hosts just how much each family truly desires peace between every neighbor of Israel, regardless of religion or history."
"We cannot let Israel face its enemies alone. While the Obama Administration devalued America’s standing in the Middle East and held our Israeli friends at arm’s length, I worked to strengthen the relationship between our two countries, as both a private citizen and as a soldier, because the national security of the United States is directly tied to the strength of Israel."
source: https://mast.house.gov/israel