Hey, look into something about a "hostile work environment". There are legal rules and stuff about it and in the case you get fired, it could maybe fall into the category of 'unlawful firing'. I'm not an expert at law though so I could just be wishful thinking. But "hostile environment" I know is a real thing. Document every encounter with her. Know the things that could be on your side, like any cameras where you work that would have video or voice. There are specific rules when it comes to recording someone secretly and it's different for each state, so careful on that or do it if your state allows you. While it's stacked against you because you are white, maybe she'd be dumb enough to do something that will benefit you. Having witnesses helps too. Make some friends!
Thank you. I did tell my manager, she did tell her manager! All she got was it was a racist comment and to write her up to where she would be fired for anything!
Well, I went into work on Tuesday, just to do samples.. samples of chicken wings. For 2 hrs. I got done early. The same assistant manager was there and instead of letting me leave, I had to do shift duties!
So, I told my manager, I'm Not comfortable working with her, I know I'm new. But, I did my shift duties, lastnight. Today is actually my day off! You asked me to come in and do samples for extra hours.
Ended up horrible! I had to work with her. She still has a job. I mean, so do I. South GA for ya!
All she got was it was a racist comment and to write her up to where she would be fired for anything!
This sounds like maybe a good thing? That there is some documentation about it at least and a start date to roughly go by.
I'd imagine they would probably just hope that one day you will have had enough and you will quit and then they won't have to do anything about it nor pay you unemployment. Probably how she's kept her job for so long and how most people like that do. I'm not saying stick it out to try to get her fired and put yourself through hell, but if you have to stay there at least make it count and get things documented if only for your protection in case you're fired and make sure you keep your own notes too. And if they get sick of you complaining about her and try to fire you for that, I'm sure that's against some law too like retaliation or something. Worth taking a bit of time looking into before it's a problem and maybe can even help you navigate this situation.
Hey, look into something about a "hostile work environment". There are legal rules and stuff about it and in the case you get fired, it could maybe fall into the category of 'unlawful firing'. I'm not an expert at law though so I could just be wishful thinking. But "hostile environment" I know is a real thing. Document every encounter with her. Know the things that could be on your side, like any cameras where you work that would have video or voice. There are specific rules when it comes to recording someone secretly and it's different for each state, so careful on that or do it if your state allows you. While it's stacked against you because you are white, maybe she'd be dumb enough to do something that will benefit you. Having witnesses helps too. Make some friends!
Thank you. I did tell my manager, she did tell her manager! All she got was it was a racist comment and to write her up to where she would be fired for anything!
Well, I went into work on Tuesday, just to do samples.. samples of chicken wings. For 2 hrs. I got done early. The same assistant manager was there and instead of letting me leave, I had to do shift duties! So, I told my manager, I'm Not comfortable working with her, I know I'm new. But, I did my shift duties, lastnight. Today is actually my day off! You asked me to come in and do samples for extra hours.
Ended up horrible! I had to work with her. She still has a job. I mean, so do I. South GA for ya!
This sounds like maybe a good thing? That there is some documentation about it at least and a start date to roughly go by.
I'd imagine they would probably just hope that one day you will have had enough and you will quit and then they won't have to do anything about it nor pay you unemployment. Probably how she's kept her job for so long and how most people like that do. I'm not saying stick it out to try to get her fired and put yourself through hell, but if you have to stay there at least make it count and get things documented if only for your protection in case you're fired and make sure you keep your own notes too. And if they get sick of you complaining about her and try to fire you for that, I'm sure that's against some law too like retaliation or something. Worth taking a bit of time looking into before it's a problem and maybe can even help you navigate this situation.