Once you get past the headlines a different story emerges.
Excess D wasn’t the only cause of death listed — the coroner also blamed congestive heart failure, chronic kidney failure, hypercalcemia, and Ischaemic Heart Disease
He was 89 years old and had a metric fuckton of issues, all of which take a lot longer to develop than the nine months he had been taking large amounts of Vitamin D.
Maybe he was taking large amounts of vitamin D because he had serious problems and was trying to give himself a little bit longer life. Maybe the vitamin D even helped with that. Maybe (almost certainly) he didn't die because of high amounts of vitamin D in his system, maybe he died with high amounts of vitamin D in his system.
There is zero doubt this is a hit piece on vitamin D. How do you drive up those death numbers in the next "inevitable" electiondemic? Get people afraid of vitamin D.
Vitamin D is life-saving for someone like me who suffered from Chronic Eczema since childhood an absolute blight on my life for over 40 years the only things the MS medical can offer are steroids. I tried everything, fasting, Homeopathy , allergy treatments Nothing worked.
Then wonder of wonders Large doses of Vitamin D3 with some K2 to offset the excess Calcium.
I cannot describe to you the joy of not wanting to tear your skin to pieces.
I have not had a bad cold nor covid since dec 2019 and I attribute it to my taking vit d daily, upping the dose if I feel sickness coming on, and keeping my vit d level at 50 or so.....I believe in it....
Once you get past the headlines a different story emerges.
He was 89 years old and had a metric fuckton of issues, all of which take a lot longer to develop than the nine months he had been taking large amounts of Vitamin D.
Maybe he was taking large amounts of vitamin D because he had serious problems and was trying to give himself a little bit longer life. Maybe the vitamin D even helped with that. Maybe (almost certainly) he didn't die because of high amounts of vitamin D in his system, maybe he died with high amounts of vitamin D in his system.
There is zero doubt this is a hit piece on vitamin D. How do you drive up those death numbers in the next "inevitable" electiondemic? Get people afraid of vitamin D.
Yes. I smell a preparation for a new Scamdemic. Vit D is the new Ivermectin.
Vitamin D is life-saving for someone like me who suffered from Chronic Eczema since childhood an absolute blight on my life for over 40 years the only things the MS medical can offer are steroids. I tried everything, fasting, Homeopathy , allergy treatments Nothing worked. Then wonder of wonders Large doses of Vitamin D3 with some K2 to offset the excess Calcium. I cannot describe to you the joy of not wanting to tear your skin to pieces.
I have not had a bad cold nor covid since dec 2019 and I attribute it to my taking vit d daily, upping the dose if I feel sickness coming on, and keeping my vit d level at 50 or so.....I believe in it....