Your goal as a moderator on this site is to ensure the best user experience. In our best interest, we can agree that we desire freedom of speech and the freedom to discuss whatever topics we deem necessary to the Great Awakening.
When us anons here are discontent with your moderation policies, it is of your best interest, and the best interest of the board, to reconsider your practices. Whether you disagree with the nature of the content, the source of the content, or the relevancy to Q or the Great Awakening (to a reasonable degree,) you should not be so quick to remove topics of discussion.
Thank you.
We don't actually like 'reaching out and touching' users here, or topics or posts, even. In fact, we don't mod with doing that in mind at all. We mod with the idea that we drive high expectations from our userbase and expect high-effort, high-info participation at all times. The most important thing most users overlook when gauging their level of commitment and participation to GAW is that mods look at comment quality and post scores IMMENSELY before taking action with any particular user. Low effort? No posts? We absolutely 100% don't mind a permanent vacation in those instances. We have YET to ban a low-effort 'casual' here and thought, a few weeks later, "Gee, I really miss u/XXXXXX."
The mods have bosses, too—we work for our high-effort, highest-info posters and commenters. Period. EVERY single action we take is to facilitate and make smoother and easier the work that our researchers do. Period. We see researchers get shit on all the time over on PDW. We don't want that here. If you're a high-effort poster? You are THE BOSS in the minds of the mod team, and we will do everything in our power to ensure that your posts and comments get recognized and stickied and get the attention your hard work deserves.