I've been seriously considering starting a wiki project on the truth of all things, regardless of whether they are discussed here or not. In a similar fashion to Wikipedia, it would require citations and reliable evidence, not simply something someone heard on a podcast.
I've had a name for it since the idea first appeared: Library of Truth. Sounds cool and fancy but it really should just be an open-source, user-editable, wikipedia-type website. Anyone have any ideas or know-how on this topic? I know it's super duper niche but I have over 5 years of wiki experience, including creating two well-run wikis that I have given to their respective communities to run. (Google: "GeoFS Wiki" and/or "Woomy-Arras.io Wiki")
I also have extensive wiki editing experience and I am well-versed in theme design, organization, etc. I just can't find any wiki platform that won't ban the wiki for saying the WTC-7 was a controlled demolition.
That went over my head. Oof.