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Jordan Peterson: The awe-inspiring conservative counter-offensive against woke nonsense | From Pierre Poilievre to Danielle Smith, Canadian conservatives are finally pushing back against the snakes


... Something is brewing in Canada — something of deeper than mere national significance. It’s a veritable sign of the times. Just as our nation was and so unfortunately on the cutting edge of the moralizing woke globalist eco-utopian nonsense promulgated oh-so-charismatically by the beautiful Justin Trudeau, so are we leading the charge of counter-offensive.

To put it succinctly: Canadian conservatives are growing a spine. Or a pair. Pick your metaphor. ...

... First, we see a worldwide phenomena, which is an increasingly conservative stance adopted by young men. This will happen among young women too, although there will be a lag, because young women need young men, and will eventually turn in their direction. ...

... But something more specific and specifically political is also happening in Canada. The conservatives have rediscovered their spines! — and not just the ones that enable them to stand up straight, but the ones that make them spiky and witty and able to spar with some truly devastating confidence and humour.

Acutally, on that second point I would argue differently. Andrew Scheer was known to push back against the media when they were being unreasonable, but the reaction from the public was very different. Back then, it was "the Conservatives are being grumpy again". But now, when Poilievre does it, it's "hurray!". It's not so much that the Conservatives are different, but the public is reacting differently.

Anyway, back to Peterson:

...Conservatives now have something to sell to young people. Responsibility. No one has made that offer in six decades, and the time has come. Enough of the continual rattling regarding rights. All rights come with responsibilities. Why shoulder them? Because there is earned self-regard and opportunity in responsibility. There is the adventure of calling and conscience in responsibility. There is the excitement, meaning and security of marriage, family and community in responsibility. Call the young — particularly the men — to responsibility. That will help them succeed, psychologically and socially. It will restore their competence and their confidence. It will also make them more attractive to young women, which is what they want more desperately than anything else.

He also warns that the Liberals are likely to had the whole hot mess they've created over to the Conservatives and then emit a steady stream of propaganda blaming the Conservatives for the mess. This is not merely likely, it's inevitable. After all, Trudeau still has not stopped blaming Harper.

And this will undoubtedly be the playbook in the USA as well, where the hot mess Trump is going to inherit from Biden will be blamed on the Republicans, not the Democrats who created it.

All in all, as is usual for Peterson, a good read and correct in the main even if I would disagree a bit with a point here and there.