TL;DR: GEOTUS alludes to financial problems, when he was in Virginia. Potentially this allusion is due to the ending of the BTFP on March 12th, and the CMBS bubble. This information could tie into the eclipse on April 8th.
As everyone knows, Trump spoke in Richmond, Virginia last night. When I was listening to his speech, Trump made sure to point out the cameras. And when he did that, this time, he called the pillars "traunches." (1) I took this as a Trump communication with anons, and immediately thought of 2008.
Traunches are the Investment term that refers to how loans are grouped together and sold as investment vehicles. Traunches were a major factor in the 2008 crisis. (2) (Really, there were other things, but we're operating with limited information and an opaque market. Watch or Read "The Big Short" for more details.)
Our market runs on liquidity, and traunches help ensure accurate Mark-to-Market (MtM) valuation. (3, 4, 5) But the market is always in trouble, which is why the Fed instituted the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) on March 12th, 2023 to protect from SVB contagion. The BTFP permits easy access to liquidity for distressed banks, by allowing loans at 100% MtM value for bank assets.
But the criminals running the fraudulent financial system have created another problem. Too many distressed banks have been using the BTFP, (6) and the BTFP is ending on March 11th, 2024. (3, 4) I suspect that the BTFP is being used to prop up the bad bets made in the Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (CMBS) market.
You see, in 2008, the financial asset blamed for the disaster was the residential mortgages that were packaged in poorly modeled Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS). So laws were written for residential MBS, but not for commercial MBS. (7) So the criminal investors have been doing everything that they did in 2008 with MBS to CMBS. I really thought that the bubble would burst, when everyone was working remotely, but the Wall Street parasites delayed the inevitable.
In my personal opinion, it is UNLIKELY that anything will happen on March 11th, when the BTFP ends. These criminals can delay everything with a multitude of diverse swaps. But they can't delay forever...
Enter the Eclipse coming on April 8th, 2024. (8) This eclipse is going to pass over the US, after passing over 7 cities called Ninevah. But this eclipse is going to cross over the path of another eclipse from August 21st, 2017. (9) In total, both eclipses will have passed over 7 cities named "Salem" which is short for "Jerusalem". (10)
It's going to be BIBLICAL.
In my personal opinion, it is LIKELY that major events will happen on April 8th. But the system will absorb this disruption, and delay it until October.
(1) Jump to 1:13:19 to hear him say it:
(4) (I don't know why this website calls it the BTF Project, when the Fed calls it the BTF Program)
Edit 1: added "not for" to clarify that laws were not written for CMBS
Edit 2: added two sentences to the same paragraph, in order to finish the thought around CMBS
Big things do seem to happen on the 8ths of the month - I wonder what this Friday 3/8 will bring as well.