First of all, no one can even figure out if she is married. Her roommates say she's been divorced "for a long time", however she has a tax lien from 2022 with her "husband". Her "husband" is pleading with the press.
Second of all, she donated "$51.80"??? What is it about that number to her? Why not $50? or $55? or $60? Why $51.80?
Third, she donated to Ukraine. I am reading comments here that say she deserves what she's getting. I would like to point out that the general breeze here is pro-Russia, and if the US worked here as it does in Russia, perhaps many of our people would be arrested also for disagreeing with the regime and the press here.
And finally... what is with her "roommate" or "friend" picture with her hands on her head like she has deer ears or something? These people are stupid and weird.
Second of all, she donated "$51.80"??? What is it about that number to her? Why not $50? or $55? or $60? Why $51.80?
Exchange rates possibly.
I am reading comments here that say she deserves what she's getting. I would like to point out that the general breeze here is pro-Russia, and if the US worked here as it does in Russia, perhaps many of our people would be arrested also for disagreeing with the regime and the press here.
If I donated to ze Taliban while we were at war with them, I'd expect to get arrested. In fact, if you do some research on the site, I'm sure you'll find many cases of "donating material support to ISIS" on file. If you live in a country and your country is at war with another country or org, choosing to donate money to that country or org is literally the definition of treason.
This has nothing to do with "disagreeing" and everything to do with "providing aid and comfort to the enemy."
First of all, no one can even figure out if she is married. Her roommates say she's been divorced "for a long time", however she has a tax lien from 2022 with her "husband". Her "husband" is pleading with the press.
Second of all, she donated "$51.80"??? What is it about that number to her? Why not $50? or $55? or $60? Why $51.80? Third, she donated to Ukraine. I am reading comments here that say she deserves what she's getting. I would like to point out that the general breeze here is pro-Russia, and if the US worked here as it does in Russia, perhaps many of our people would be arrested also for disagreeing with the regime and the press here. And finally... what is with her "roommate" or "friend" picture with her hands on her head like she has deer ears or something? These people are stupid and weird.
Exchange rates possibly.
If I donated to ze Taliban while we were at war with them, I'd expect to get arrested. In fact, if you do some research on the site, I'm sure you'll find many cases of "donating material support to ISIS" on file. If you live in a country and your country is at war with another country or org, choosing to donate money to that country or org is literally the definition of treason.
This has nothing to do with "disagreeing" and everything to do with "providing aid and comfort to the enemy."