All Apple firmware hacked. Knowledge was made public in January. Can't find it in my search history at the moment, but will look into it later. I believe ZeroHedge reported this; it was quite big news at the time in the tech scene. Apple's stocks dove a bit after this came out, which was around the same time they loss the lawsuit for the biometrics in their apple watches (the pulse ox/heartbeat tracking features) for patent/copyright infringements from the medical industry.
All Apple firmware hacked. Knowledge was made public in January. Can't find it in my search history at the moment, but will look into it later. I believe ZeroHedge reported this; it was quite big news at the time in the tech scene. Apple's stocks dove a bit after this came out, which was around the same time they loss the lawsuit for the biometrics in their apple watches (the pulse ox/heartbeat tracking features) for patent/copyright infringements from the medical industry.