Price Comparisons.
Ok this is my first post, been following for over a year and have learned so much. You anons are amazing and im proud to stand beside you. Im a Boomer born in 1960 and a Patriot I do what I can in my small world Im a delivery driver and have been for 30 plus years. In the last few years i pushed to organize a union and won. Now im pushing to red pill some coworkers in this upcoming election. what im looking for is a compairison of gas,food,energy prices from 2017 to 2024. If anyone has a good graph I would love to share it with my coworkers. sorry for any typos.
The real numbers. The government, as you may suspect has changed the way it calculates CPI to make it look better.
And don't forget, Biden swung the gas prices lower by selling off our entire strategic petroleum reserve, and the FED, and CBO will lie their asses off to hide the disastrous numbers for Biden.
Plus Biden is spending 1 growing deficit one trillion ever 100 days just to keep people happy.
Try finding the truth doing Internet search is useless. AI is controlling what you can see. Notice every site returned on search is same leftist sites. But if you force the search to look at only certain sites, you will get a different picture.
bidens economy
Thank you for the shadow stats link, they have been fighting the 'low inflation myth' for as long as I can remember it being an issue.