The judge who covered this case, and ordered its suppression. Was also a paedophile. He was one of them on the list.
There was a theory that they were allowed to do this, as the investigators, were being investigated.
This story is very old. Its been hidden from the public for decades.
Aussies have tried everything they could to get the names released.
There was ONE member of parliament who took this to parliament and asked for a vote in releasing the names.
It was the wood royal commision.
The judge who covered this case, and ordered its suppression. Was also a paedophile. He was one of them on the list. There was a theory that they were allowed to do this, as the investigators, were being investigated. This story is very old. Its been hidden from the public for decades. Aussies have tried everything they could to get the names released. There was ONE member of parliament who took this to parliament and asked for a vote in releasing the names. NO BODY ELSE VOTED YES. It was the wood royal commision.