I hope everyone watches this! There is even a small group called Friends of the original Constitution that have made significant progress towards restoring our federal government and they are filing a $500T lawsuit against USA Inc. that you can sign on to. https://www.brighteon.com/4c27feea f71e-41c1-86c9-87d94e2896ee
There is also scienceandfreedom.org that has established a new vision for an emancipated society.
I hope everyone watches this! There is even a small group called Friends of the original Constitution that have made significant progress towards restoring our federal government and they are filing a $500T lawsuit against USA Inc. that you can sign on to. https://www.brighteon.com/4c27feea f71e-41c1-86c9-87d94e2896ee There is also scienceandfreedom.org that has established a new vision for an emancipated society.