Anthony Johnson dodged a lifetime of hard slavery when the slave ship he was being trafficked on couldn't make it to the sugar plantations in the Caribbean and had to land in the English Colonies at Virginia. It was a huge stroke of luck, as the English had an aversion to outright owning humans, and preferred the system of indentured servitude, where the would-be slave was recognized as a free man after 7 years of repaying the man who bought him from the slave traders. In some jurisdictions it was 4 years. He was then given his freedom dues, which included farming clothes, farming tools, a mule, firearm and ammo, a FARM, a farm house, and his first year of corn seed. He was a freed man, and had the same chance of becoming wealthy as any white colonist.
In 1655 Anthony Johnson, having played his cards right was one of the wealthiest men in Virginia, with a huge farm and four servants, three Irish and one African. The black man, John Casor, had served his time and demanded his freedom dues. This didn't settle right with Johnson, who preferred the centuries-old African tradition of once a slave, always a slave. Casor had left and gone across town to work for a white man for fair payment. Johnson had him arrested and brought the matter to court.
Johnson and the judge may have known each other, due to Johnson's great wealth. The matter was decided: John Casor would be the first black man in America to remain a slave for life.
Soon this abomination would spread to other states, and the freed slave Anthony Johnson from Angola succeeded in bringing lifetime slavery to the English Colonies in 1655.
Anthony Johnson and his kind owe ME reparations for fucking up my country beyond recognition.
Mark Robinson may be speaking from knowledge of these events, when a black man could arrive on a slave ship and eventually become wealthy.
Anthony Johnson dodged a lifetime of hard slavery when the slave ship he was being trafficked on couldn't make it to the sugar plantations in the Caribbean and had to land in the English Colonies at Virginia. It was a huge stroke of luck, as the English had an aversion to outright owning humans, and preferred the system of indentured servitude, where the would-be slave was recognized as a free man after 7 years of repaying the man who bought him from the slave traders. In some jurisdictions it was 4 years. He was then given his freedom dues, which included farming clothes, farming tools, a mule, firearm and ammo, a FARM, a farm house, and his first year of corn seed. He was a freed man, and had the same chance of becoming wealthy as any white colonist.
In 1655 Anthony Johnson, having played his cards right was one of the wealthiest men in Virginia, with a huge farm and four servants, three Irish and one African. The black man, John Casor, had served his time and demanded his freedom dues. This didn't settle right with Johnson, who preferred the centuries-old African tradition of once a slave, always a slave. Casor had left and gone across town to work for a white man for fair payment. Johnson had him arrested and brought the matter to court.
Johnson and the judge may have known each other, due to Johnson's great wealth. The matter was decided: John Casor would be the first black man in America to remain a slave for life.
Soon this abomination would spread to other states, and the freed slave Anthony Johnson from Angola succeeded in bringing lifetime slavery to the English Colonies in 1655.
Anthony Johnson and his kind owe ME reparations for fucking up my country beyond recognition.
Mark Robinson may be speaking from knowledge of these events, when a black man could arrive on a slave ship and eventually become wealthy.