Haven't finished it myself yet ill be back with some bullets
Long story long, its a bunch of shit we already know...
Chris Klem 27 & 1/2 years border patrol agent/chief..
The border, immigration, what's goin on.. Differences between "Border security" and "Immigration"..
They talk about the plans that were in place in the past like Bracero that helped legal immigration and balanced the supply and demand of agricultural workers, etc..
Points of entry, the change of the ages of migrants and attitudes over the years, how aggression changed with migrants as well as cartel control..
Cartel being paid to allow or aid in crossings and how big of a business it was for the cartels..
Migrants had to pay, then sometimes theyd get sent back and pay the same to help/allow them cross the border...
Talks visas, how much time it takes to get in the "Right way"
144k visas a year only and it hasnt changed and the line is backed up to get in the country legally..
talks about how the communities themselves should come up with solutions (Like Texas taking it upon themselves)
"Its people from all over the world coming in this country"
270 Chinese nationals caught in sandiego
out of 1000 adults 900 are adult men, how they get here by shuttle bus...
Fly into mexico city then little desert trip and bam theyre in.
Talks about how Asylum works and explains the couple kinds/types there are.. How immigrants use "credible fear asylum claims"
Processes of Asylum.. Asylum loopholes and improper claims...
They get into human trafficking.. "So many people dont realize they're in the trafficking vortex until its too late" then Chris says "There are stories out there and we dont even need to go.that.way.today gulp uh but I can just tell you it is real and i pretty much dedicate my life to that now trying to find solutions"
"So controlled by cartels and trafficking organization, 5 to 15k indentured servant basically and the cartel wants you to do fucked up shit to pay it back... strange ways they split up families to control and manipulate the system and make their money.. "Mental and emotional human exploitation" Finding fraud family..
400k arrests in 2020, to 1.66 mil in 2021, 2.2mil 2022, 2.4 mil in 2023.
Agents being outmanned and overwhelmed... Strategy of the cartel by sending 100 people to one spot to warrant a response then the drugs/criminal activity across through 5 tactical men a mile away..
Theo "Its not fair that people have to live in fear. we have way too much ability, you know we send all this foreign aid its just.. its time to take care of THIS country for a while, and it feels like its ben sold out, to the highest bidder that the american dream was just auctioned off years ago and it feels sometimes we are pretending sometimes the rest of us that still believe in it"
Erosion of empathy.. back to sanctuary cities... New york migrant brawl... Lack of consequences, not in my backyard mentality,bussing of migrants to marthas vinyard lol...
Its pretty much a bunch of stuff we already know but from the horses mouth...
theres so much goodness just listen to it on the way to and from or at work a few times lmao its a total fucking redpill banger!!
Key takeaways for those of us who don't have 2 hours and 40 minutes to watch?
I listen to some shit at 2x speed these days lol kindof a protip ;)
Haven't finished it myself yet ill be back with some bullets
Long story long, its a bunch of shit we already know...
Chris Klem 27 & 1/2 years border patrol agent/chief..
The border, immigration, what's goin on.. Differences between "Border security" and "Immigration"..
They talk about the plans that were in place in the past like Bracero that helped legal immigration and balanced the supply and demand of agricultural workers, etc.. Points of entry, the change of the ages of migrants and attitudes over the years, how aggression changed with migrants as well as cartel control..
Cartel being paid to allow or aid in crossings and how big of a business it was for the cartels..
Migrants had to pay, then sometimes theyd get sent back and pay the same to help/allow them cross the border...
Talks visas, how much time it takes to get in the "Right way"
144k visas a year only and it hasnt changed and the line is backed up to get in the country legally..
talks about how the communities themselves should come up with solutions (Like Texas taking it upon themselves)
"Its people from all over the world coming in this country" 270 Chinese nationals caught in sandiego
out of 1000 adults 900 are adult men, how they get here by shuttle bus... Fly into mexico city then little desert trip and bam theyre in.
Talks about how Asylum works and explains the couple kinds/types there are.. How immigrants use "credible fear asylum claims" Processes of Asylum.. Asylum loopholes and improper claims...
They get into human trafficking.. "So many people dont realize they're in the trafficking vortex until its too late" then Chris says "There are stories out there and we dont even need to go.that.way.today gulp uh but I can just tell you it is real and i pretty much dedicate my life to that now trying to find solutions"
"So controlled by cartels and trafficking organization, 5 to 15k indentured servant basically and the cartel wants you to do fucked up shit to pay it back... strange ways they split up families to control and manipulate the system and make their money.. "Mental and emotional human exploitation" Finding fraud family..
400k arrests in 2020, to 1.66 mil in 2021, 2.2mil 2022, 2.4 mil in 2023.
Theo brought up this article https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/10/briefing/immigration-policy-democrats.html
Agents being outmanned and overwhelmed... Strategy of the cartel by sending 100 people to one spot to warrant a response then the drugs/criminal activity across through 5 tactical men a mile away..
Theo "Its not fair that people have to live in fear. we have way too much ability, you know we send all this foreign aid its just.. its time to take care of THIS country for a while, and it feels like its ben sold out, to the highest bidder that the american dream was just auctioned off years ago and it feels sometimes we are pretending sometimes the rest of us that still believe in it"
Erosion of empathy.. back to sanctuary cities... New york migrant brawl... Lack of consequences, not in my backyard mentality,bussing of migrants to marthas vinyard lol...
Its pretty much a bunch of stuff we already know but from the horses mouth...
theres so much goodness just listen to it on the way to and from or at work a few times lmao its a total fucking redpill banger!!