Celebrities are only famous because we allow ourselves to have more than but one mediator (1 Timothy 2:5) from among many mediums.
Leviticus 19:31, 20:6.
The dispensationalists are wrong when they say that the OT is done away with. It is still in effect, as all scripture is profitable for teaching (2 Timothy 3:16) and we aught to try to know and do it.
Also to your point, which refutes what I was going to write at first, which was to describe my typical practice, John 17:9.
My question was going to be whether the group of “my enemies” is scripturally counted from among only the brethren, or from all those walking about the Eretz?
The modern church teaches that it is from all the Earth. Then why did Yochanon (“John”) say that?
Celebrities are only famous because we allow ourselves to have more than but one mediator (1 Timothy 2:5) from among many mediums.
Leviticus 19:31, 20:6.
The dispensationalists are wrong when they say that the OT is done away with. It is still in effect, as all scripture is profitable for teaching (2 Timothy 3:16) and we aught to try to know and do it.
Also to your point, which refutes what I was going to write at first, which was to describe my typical practice, John 17:9.
My question was going to be whether the group of “my enemies” is scripturally counted from among only the brethren, or from all those walking about the Eretz?
The modern church teaches that it is from all the Earth. Then why did Yochanon (“John”) say that?