Was reading article about Super Tuesday (link below) and had epiphany of why haley would stay in race even when it was obvious she didn't stand even a glimmer of a chance.
She was there so Democrats could cross over and create an illusion that she had more support than she actually does. We knew this.
However, she was also there because, even though Biden has no one opposing him in the primaries, Democrats are voting "non-committed" rather than placing a vote for him. Having Haley in the Republican primary allowed these never Trumpers to cross over and vote for Haley rather than casting "non-commited" votes or merely not showing up at all. In this manner disguising how abysmal the support for Biden actually is.
They needed this illusion for the steal in Nov.
This is a party thing, right now, yes? It is all about delegates, right?
Delegates gives you power to do what in a convention of the party? Is it worth trying to snatch enough delegates to negotiate a deal?
On the other hand, it is always good to test how much support one can rally on the never Trump side. Abysmal, indeed. Yet, in open primaries, it works. How many on the NTC, the never trump camp, are willing to step forward?
numbers and test game.