Not any woman I know. We discuss candidates pros and cons. If my husband tried to tell me who to vote for, let's just say he won't. He and I are unified politically. I got involved first and then he did. He serves on committees and I do the research.
I think the family division began in earnest in the 1970s when every show on tv made SAHMs look stupid. Cannot tell you how many arguments I've had with people who told me I should work outside of our home.
Not any woman I know. We discuss candidates pros and cons. If my husband tried to tell me who to vote for, let's just say he won't. He and I are unified politically. I got involved first and then he did. He serves on committees and I do the research.
I think the family division began in earnest in the 1970s when every show on tv made SAHMs look stupid. Cannot tell you how many arguments I've had with people who told me I should work outside of our home.
I know there are many woman who think for themselves.
The MAJORITY don't.