No "normie argument." I am personal testimony to the effect. My eyes are more deeply seated than Biden's. All you can see of my eyelids are the lashes. What do I have to do? Appear before you in person before you accept what I say? Why don't you just make your fantasy complete and declare I am a liar?
No, I don't even remotely have arguments "against basically everything going on." I wouldn't have time in the day to breathe, if that were true. I have arguments against poor thinking and fantasy (which, for you, might seem like everything going on). I frequent this site to get news and insight I would get nowhere else. I pitch in to clear out the wooly thinking that contaminates the good thinking. And sometimes I have specific expertise or experience to pit against appalling ignorance. According to Socrates, I should take pride in the number of debates that end with my critic calling me names.
Or getting old if the skull has deep sockets and the skin above the lid has grown out and covers the upper lid. I have this going on with my eyes.
Dehydration as well
No "normie argument." I am personal testimony to the effect. My eyes are more deeply seated than Biden's. All you can see of my eyelids are the lashes. What do I have to do? Appear before you in person before you accept what I say? Why don't you just make your fantasy complete and declare I am a liar?
No, I don't even remotely have arguments "against basically everything going on." I wouldn't have time in the day to breathe, if that were true. I have arguments against poor thinking and fantasy (which, for you, might seem like everything going on). I frequent this site to get news and insight I would get nowhere else. I pitch in to clear out the wooly thinking that contaminates the good thinking. And sometimes I have specific expertise or experience to pit against appalling ignorance. According to Socrates, I should take pride in the number of debates that end with my critic calling me names.