Oh, bother. My eyes are that far back. You have to consider that the eye is cushioned by a layer of fat behind it. If the fat is shrunk or depleted with age, the eye will recede.
The iris is not black; it is blue. But it is in shadow. The pupil will always be black and when it is enlarged due to low light level, or dilated by drugs, it will make the pupil-iris combination look black.
Oh, bother. My eyes are that far back. You have to consider that the eye is cushioned by a layer of fat behind it. If the fat is shrunk or depleted with age, the eye will recede.
The iris is not black; it is blue. But it is in shadow. The pupil will always be black and when it is enlarged due to low light level, or dilated by drugs, it will make the pupil-iris combination look black.