Col Douglas Macgregor Response to Joe Biden SOU Speech Is Profoundly Accurate and Important Sundance
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Don't just listen to the video. You must read what Sundance has written to understand the import of what Macgregor is hinting at:
The our U.S. Government is just a vessel for the real powers behind the lawfare prosecution of Trump, behind the hostility toward Russia, behind the southern border invasion, behind it all.
To focus our efforts like a laser, we have all got to understand that Biden, Obama, our congressional representatives, and other political figures are tools of the global powers, Vanguard, Blackrock, WEF, a host of similarly aligned massive financial interests destroying America, and the rest of the world.
We waste 95% of our effort on this site going after the wrong people, and linking to bubblegum BS. We have to narrow our aim to the real villains behind the puppets.