What I'm interested in is the theory he didn't try to eliminate the Jews via gas chambers. That's the thing to focus on the most. Being mad someone was trying to destroy your country is sound, but not the kill the entire race thing.
the camps were work camps. from the videos, they had music, food, practice their religion....
the parts they kept the Russian POWs in is a different story. the Germans tortured and experimented on them. the propaganda says it was the Jews getting the treatment... nope.
gas chamber stories are things adults tell children to scare them. the Germans had to bug bomb the building sometimes to remove bugs. adults told children that it was gas chambers. read any report and the Jews talk of "the smell of the gas" ... nope, if it leaked out that bad, there are side effects to the people around them. no mention.
if they change to "the smell was cremation/ ovens".. nope. at the time, the Germans where well aware and capable of burning bodies with minimal smell.
starvation??? yeah, war time. supply lines cut. no food for soldiers or workers. plenty in the beginning.
look up the news article: Jew meets US soldier that freed her from Auschwitz. problem: Russia freed Auschwitz..
story after story the Jews tell for sympathy and to monetize it. the moon walking Jew. the woman who survived because the Germans ran out of gas. the woman who was fed poison to kill and/or sterilize her.... she tells the story to her 6 children. all the shoes, boo hoo. that was the shoe shop they issued and repaired shoes. the pool they say was just for Germans, pictures of the Germans swimming against the Jews in friendly competition say different.
there is a reason all the record keepers and guards were hunted down and killed. higher ranking members left the country. Hello ClA ... we see you.
these assholes erased history and killed anyone who could tell the truth.
education is learning the Jews threatened to financial cripple Germany because Hitler wanted bank regulations
What I'm interested in is the theory he didn't try to eliminate the Jews via gas chambers. That's the thing to focus on the most. Being mad someone was trying to destroy your country is sound, but not the kill the entire race thing.
the camps were work camps. from the videos, they had music, food, practice their religion....
the parts they kept the Russian POWs in is a different story. the Germans tortured and experimented on them. the propaganda says it was the Jews getting the treatment... nope.
gas chamber stories are things adults tell children to scare them. the Germans had to bug bomb the building sometimes to remove bugs. adults told children that it was gas chambers. read any report and the Jews talk of "the smell of the gas" ... nope, if it leaked out that bad, there are side effects to the people around them. no mention.
if they change to "the smell was cremation/ ovens".. nope. at the time, the Germans where well aware and capable of burning bodies with minimal smell.
starvation??? yeah, war time. supply lines cut. no food for soldiers or workers. plenty in the beginning.
look up the news article: Jew meets US soldier that freed her from Auschwitz. problem: Russia freed Auschwitz..
story after story the Jews tell for sympathy and to monetize it. the moon walking Jew. the woman who survived because the Germans ran out of gas. the woman who was fed poison to kill and/or sterilize her.... she tells the story to her 6 children. all the shoes, boo hoo. that was the shoe shop they issued and repaired shoes. the pool they say was just for Germans, pictures of the Germans swimming against the Jews in friendly competition say different.
there is a reason all the record keepers and guards were hunted down and killed. higher ranking members left the country. Hello ClA ... we see you.
these assholes erased history and killed anyone who could tell the truth.
Hitler was kinda reich I mean right.