Mike Lindell Announces his Case is Finally Going to the Supreme Court Next Friday at 3PM ET
“We’ve been waiting three long years for a breakthrough to the Supreme Court and now we have it.
The evidence we’re gonna drop you’re going to see on Friday is the most explosive you’ve ever seen.”
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
Mike's video message on this court case scheduled for Friday at 3pm for non X users.
Added context: There's been speculation this case will involve information from Tina Peters that was given to Mike at his original voter fraud symposium.
Awesome. Calirado needs some significant cleaning...like draino rotorooter bleach soaking cleaning. Please let this be true and help reduce the shitholian shit that Colorado has become. Amen..
I left the Adams County area in 2011, Moved to Kansas.. I'm glad I got to grow up in 90s-early 2000s Thornton/Northglenn/Denver etc - but... even if I could afford it these days I don't see myself being comfortable there anymore. It's not the same place I left.
Moved to CO in ‘92 for a job. Just before the fall of the state began with all mail in ballots, etc. we’re somewhat isolated being in the foothills but it’s slowly creeping our way. Some places in town look like Haiti without the BBQ humans...yet.
We’re planning an escape to the north. Wide open spaces hopefully.