Mike Lindell Announces his Case is Finally Going to the Supreme Court Next Friday at 3PM ET
“We’ve been waiting three long years for a breakthrough to the Supreme Court and now we have it.
The evidence we’re gonna drop you’re going to see on Friday is the most explosive you’ve ever seen.”
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
Maybe I’m misremembering did he or did he not say around beginning of Covid time that it would all be over by April? I don’t recall the exact verbiage. But in conjunction with his 5 months comment it may mean something. And maybe it was just a plain ole reference to Covid. Speech was Feb 10, 2020
COVFEFE gave the explanation in his comment.
I must be missing it, I don’t see any that refer to Trump’s reference to April in the beginning of the pandemic. I do see his one about the 5 months and being the nominee, but not about the April reference. Am I missing it?
Nope, thou seeth well!