Is This the Last Straw for Raffensperger? Evidence Confirms GA SOS Team Illegally Recorded Trump Call, Promoted a Fraudulent Transcript, Sent it to WaPo, Then Trashed the Audio – Now He’s Caught!
🚔 Crimes of RINOs & Democrats
It depends on your life view. I have no intention of walking away. I refuse to live under this condition, and I'm taking as many with them on my way out as I can. Some have no problem groveling and begging. Nope. Kill me. But, I'll take as many of their family and friends as I can.
Sooner or later, their family and friends are going to begin to question "how many old men are there, that are choosing to be hunters, knowing they are going to get killed, but don't mind taking lives before they go?
I'm 63, the kids are raised and married, I have 12 grandkids, and I'm in good health. I'd rather go early, dying to make a better life for my grandkids; than letting things slide and die of old age. That's my call.
what part of they will kill your family and friends before they come for you dont you understand? You're more likely to be able to take such a based position if you had no dependents or loved ones to leverage. Having 12 grandkids would make you compromised AF and do their bidding on a whim.